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Liseli Projects

Liseli Foundation

The reason we are in Zambia is to develop rural communities around us through providing food security, education, stable income and skill development. All this is mainly achieved through Liseli Farms, providing the means and the opportunities for Liseli Foundation to reach out to the communities. Liseli Farms is the umbrella that covers Liseli Foundation.

Liseli Farms & Liseli Foundation cooperate in implementing different projects in and around the community. Many of our broader projects are focused on agricultural activities as these provide stable and long-term development. 

Ongoing Projects

True development occurs when every single aspect of of an individual's life has been impacted. We focus on pursuing a variety of projects that will impact every aspect of the community to ensure that they are lifted out of poverty and can encompass brighter futures for the next generation. 

Each project is based on and implemented with the principles of the Gospel, we seek to infiltrate every part of the Lozi's lives while still preserving the beauty of their culture and traditions,

Our projects include healthcare, education, housing, food security, skill development, income generation, drinking water through wells and more.

Elderly Lady Mondays

Mondays are dedicated to the widows and elderly women in our community. For small odd jobs done on their own pace they receive a warm nutritional meal and a days wage. 

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Ahavah School Food Project

Liseli's School, Ahavah is providing  one warm meal a day from monday to friday to all students. These meals provide nutritional and health that the students require to grow up strong and healthy.

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Ahavah School

Liseli Foundation with the help of donors have built a school on the farm that provides free and quality education to all Liseli's workers and other children in the area. The school is well equipped and currently has three teachers and 20 students. 

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Church Renovation

The church is a strong institute in our community, we believe that it is crucial to develop and strengthen the churches in our area to build up the body of Christ. Our goal is to provide the resources for churches where they are better equipped themselves to reach out into their communities through crusades, choir events, prayer meetings and etc.

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Liseli's First Clinic

A project we are extremely excited about is developing our first clinic, healthcare distribution is a major need in the area. Construction of the facility will start in September.

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Liseli Poultry Project

An exciting project with the community. We are in the developments of a poultry project that will provide both food security and new ways of income for villages around Liseli Farms. We will raise chicks and give them to the villages. In turn the villages will be encouraged to sell the eggs back to Liseli Farms for an income and the roosters will provide food security for villages.

Image by Karim MANJRA

Ahavah School Farming Project

Ahavah School is being sponsored by Liseli Farms and The Swallow's Nest Foundation to provide warm meals to students every day. The Primary students of the school have started a vegetable garden to help sustain the food project.

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Upcoming Projects



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Liseli Farms, Lusu Ward, Sesheke, Western Province, Zambia. 

Cell: +260 976 321 339

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The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.

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