Liseli Pecans
Food security through Pecan Nuts
How marvelous it is to introduce a new crop into a region through faith. Liseli Farms has rich soil for pecan nuts, accompanied by Zambesi river water and perfect climatic conditions. We are extremely excited to introduce Pecan nuts to this part of the world and believe this healthy and super food will make a massive impact in food security for Africa.
Filling the storehouses through Liseli Pecans
Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this,” says the Lord of hosts, “if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows!
Malachi 3:10
Liseli Farms is embarking on a new exciting journey, planting PECANS on green fields. This exciting agricultural project will provide a new birth for our community developing quality of life, providing new opportunities for skills and income, preserving our natural resources and conserving wildlife.
Liseli has planted 20 hectares of pecans. Liseli Farms has set a goal to plant 100 hectares of citrus by the end of 2022. An exciting and ambitious project that can only be done with God as our partner.
In addition to providing new sources of food and nutrition to the area citrus farming will also benefit the communities through the tree-nut sub-sector by development of green fields and planting more citrus trees. This will also allow Liseli Farms to achieve equitable regional development through sustainable income and participatory development approaches with the members of our community. An important objective of the project is to create new employment and skill development opportunities, and to demonstrate the national potential for the further development of the citrus sub-sector and other long-term crops in Western Zambia.
Implementing pecan nuts in our region located in Western Zambia will be a first for the area, we believe this is an important opportunity for Liseli Farms to establish value chains and maintain market appeal in the area through God based business principles that will help the citrus sub-sector expand rapidly in the region of Western Zambia.
To establish and maintain agricultural activity and markets in rural areas Liseli Farms aims to combine the indivisible objectives of food security and sovereignty in our region. Liseli Farms will achieve this by implementing agricultural systems that are social fair and have sustainable production modes that promote conservation of natural resources, particularly land, water and indigenous fauna and flora. Our agricultural activities will all be implemented with close participation of the local community members and encouraging smallholder farming participation and support. Within each project Liseli Farms is focused on improving agricultural acitivty of local smallholder farmers through diversification and quality seeds, restoring degraded land and manage soil fertility, and assist in developing services such as marketing and agricultural advice.
Once we start to harvest pecan nuts in the area we will be able to supply local markets with healthy and nutritious sources of food that was once previously scarce or too expensive for rural households. Addressing food insecurity is not merely providing sources of food but providing diverse produce that will provide people with the nutritional value they need. Liseli Farms is focusing on addressing the critical issue of food insecurity by diverse agricultural activities that will provide people with all the sources of nutrients, minerals and protein they require.
Through alleviation of food insecurity, improvement of quality of life and achieving sustainable economic development; Liseli Farms through the Grace of God will be able to uplift Western Zambia out of the poverty it has know for decades and establish a network of food storehouses that will provide for Zambia and beyond.